What is LostDesk?
LostDesk is a website that matches finders and losers of any object in the most accurate way possible without fear of wrongful claims to your item.

How does it work?
LostDesk asks you to enter some very basic information about the item. It takes only a minute or two. A finder enters less data that the one who lost it so as not to disclose too much information. LostDesk matches the other side using its own algorithm (logical thought process) which creates the best chances for locating the person who lost the item or the person who found it.

What if no one found my item yet?
LostDesk will store the information you entered for 3 years and if an entry is made by a finder that corresponds to your entry - LostDesk will notify you. Same is true if you found something but no one has claimed it yet. LostDesk will hold the information for 3 years in case someone rightfully claims their item.

What happens when there is a match?
Your contact information and specific item information is sent to the finder who can then easily identify you as the rightful owner and confirm it with you.

Its that's simple. And it works!